By: Ace Nico

Hey, y’all. Ace here. I just wanted to drop in and tell you all about my first date. I took my girl, Harley, to her first vet visit.
I got all spruced up with my puppy cologne. Brushed my beard. It took me forever to decide what to wear, but then I remembered my new outfit. Do y’all think this outfit makes my butt look big?

My mom and dad had to chaperone (I’m not old enough to drive, yet). But that’s ok because we both like sitting in their laps. And we both DO NOT like being away from them.

Harley was so cute in her little pink dress. She’s such a sweet girl.
At one point, she seemed a little nervous. So, I held her hand and that made her feel better.
All in all, I think it was a pretty successful date. I may ask her to marry me. (I can definitely see her being the mother of my puppies).
Check out all of our adorable photos below.